Paneurhythmy - Information
Click on any of the following, or on the above menu, or on the Home Page pictures.
 Teachings   of the Master Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno).
 Prayer   in the tradition of Beinsa Douno.
 Attributes    of the Paneurhythmy.
 Literature   Literature about Paneurhythmy available from our sources.
 Statement   Mission Statement of the Paneurhythmy: Circle of Joy.
 Students   An advisement letter for students of Paneurhythmy.
 Study   An open letter of invitation to a study group in St. Louis, MO.
 Original Photos   of early Paneurhythmy in Bulgaria.  Provided by Ardella Nathanel.
 Robert Powell's   information concerning Peter Deunov.  ( The article will be the last entry on the page. )
 Events/ Gatherings   Available in 2024,  and our past in:
'23,  '22,  '21,  '20,   '19,  '18,  '17,  '16,   '15,  '14,  '13,  '12,   '11,  '10,  '09,  '08,   '07,  '06,  and '05.
 Images/Photos   of 2018,  and our past in:
'17,  '16,  '15,  '14,  '13,  '12,  '11,  '10,  '09,  '08,  '07,  '06,  and '05.
 Contacts/Friends   Names of regional people in your area who dance Paneurhythmy
 Links   Other web sites available with information on Paneurhythmy
  To go back to our home page; click on the title.
 History   Early history of Paneurhythmy
 Violin Music   Paneurhythmy musical score in key of C, - Adobe Acrobat Reader file.
To contact the web-master: 

"Knowledge begins with small things and goes on to big ones.  Nature itself is a world, an objective education for all creatures - not only for human beings, but also for lower and higher ones.  There is something for everyone to learn.   We have a narrow, superficial idea of Nature.  We think that the trees are silent.  They are the most talkative beings.   People say that they rustled their leaves, not that they talked.  They share all the news of the day.

In the future all nations will unite into one Divine Nation of the Lord.  They will consider others as members of one family.  They will be brothers and sisters that have only one Father.  They will have good relationships.  They will understand one another and love one another."
  --  Beinsa Douno   # 1051   

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