Literature Concerning Paneurhythmy
  The Way of the Master
  "Love the perfect way of Truth and Life.
  Goodness as the foundation of your home,
  Righteousness as the measure of your life,
  Love as its adornment,
  Wisdom as the wall of defence,
  Truth as the light of your path.
  Only then will you come to know Me, and I shall
  reveal myself to you."   # 1  

Boev, Boyan.  Breathing.  Trans. Viola Jordanoff Bowman.  U.S.A., 1995.
  - A new scientific method for mind/body healing and spiritual growth.
Bowman, Viola J.  Paneurhythmy, Vol. 1.
  - includes descriptions of the movements of the first 28 exercises
  and her experiences with the master Peter Deunov.
- - - .  Paneurhythmy, Vol. 2.
  - includes descriptions of the movements of the Sunbeams and the Pentagram.
- - - .  An English Speakers Guide to the Bulgarian Lyrics of the Paneurhythmy.
  - this book has a self-explanatory title.
Douno, Beinsa ( Peter Deunov ).  Explanations and Directions for the Use of
  the Book The Testament of The Colour Rays of Light.  Bulgaria: Vsemir, 1995.
  - this book has a self-explanatory title.
- - - .  Paneurhythmy.  Presented by: Maria Mitovska and Krum Vazharov.
  Sophia, Bulgaria:  Vsemir, 1997.
  - this book contains the movements of the dances:  Paneurhythmy; Pentagram; and
  The Sunbeams.
- - - .  The Sacred Words of The Master.  Sofia, Bulgaria:  Vsemir, 2004.
  - this book contains 1787 sayings of the Master Beinsa Douno, and comes with
  a complete index of verse subjects.
  Unless otherwise noted, all quotes from the Master found on this Web Site
  are taken from this book.
- - - .  The Testament of The Colour Rays of Light.  Bulgaria:  Vsemir, 1995.
  - this book contains the "verses from the Book of the Lord [...] necessary for
  spiritual upliftment and perfection in the Path of the Lord."
- - - .  The World of the Great Souls.  Surrey, England:  Grain of Wheat.
  - Wisdom words from the Master Beinsa Douno to the disciple.
Nathanael, Ardella.  The Butterfly Dance:  Peter Deunov's PanEuRhythmy.
  Escondido, CA:  Esoteric, 2003.
  - this colorful book explains the dance to children in a lovely way.
- - - .  The Butterfly Dance Coloring Book:  Peter Deunov's PanEuRhythmy.
  Escondido, CA:  Esoteric, 2003.
  - this book is the companion coloring book for the previous book.
- - - .  Dance Of The Soul:  Peter Deunov's PanEuRhythmy.

  To obtain a copy
of any or all
 Evera Books 
 Phyllis Thorpe 

"The Words of the Master should abide in your heart.
You will live with them."
    # 541  
-  Beinsa Douno    
( Peter Deunov )
1864 -1944  


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