The Mission Statement of Paneurhythmy:  Circle of Joy.
April 19, 2002
Paneurhythmy:  Circle of Joy
Our purpose:
       To enlarge the circle of Paneurhythmy; and
       To encourage and develop understanding
             and appreciation of the methods given by
             Peter Deunov (Bulgaria, 1864-1944).

Paneurhythmy:  Circle of Joy
is incorporated as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization
in the state of Missouri, USA (April 2002).


We, the Paneurhythmy:  Circle of Joy, provide support for guest teachers and musicians, and for publications of the words of Peter Deunov in English.

We host an annual National Gathering each June in St. Louis, Missouri, and also foster other opportunities for communication among Paneurhythmy groups throughout the United States and around the World.

We delight in sharing the joy of these wise and simple practices which promote health and vitality, attunement to the rhythms of life, and shared participation in the elevation of human understanding and consciousness.

We welcome your partnership in this great work.

Contact us by:

               calling:   314 644 0014  (St. Louis, MO)


"In the Old Testament, people offered sacrifices
to the Lord.  What are we contemporary people
going to offer to the Lord when we appear
before Him?  We are going to offer the best
thought, the best feeling and the best deed."    # 822  
-  Beinsa Douno    
( Peter Deunov )
1864 -1944  

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