Since 1995, our group in St. Louis, Missouri, has been "playing Paneurhythmy" on
Wednesday and Saturday mornings during spring and summer.
We have gathered for community dinners and study during fall and winter. This
year we have begun meeting more formally every Wednesday evening, as the Peter Deunov Study
We follow a basic format shared by Georgi ("Joro") Petkov during his visit here
last June. He met several times with those who were interested, carefully laying
a foundation for our work.
He shared the "22 Methods of Love" given by the Master, and
emphasized: "The method of Truth is for oneself; the method of Love is for
other people"!
We gather in the beautiful green-tiled room trimmed in lavender which has been provided
for us by our sister Neika. The accoustics are wonderful; as we sing, the room
vibrates with life!
We sing three songs, usually beginning with "Aoum". These songs
are meditative and devotional in nature. As we attune ourselves to their
vibrations, we prepare for our study, for our devotions. All is done with
reverence and simplicity. We pray The Good Prayer. We
often read the Psalms and prayers of the day. We include prayers
for healing in which we include ourselves, our loved ones, and our sisters and brothers
around the world. We pray in silence for peace, for harmony.
We pray the Lord's Prayer. We speak together the formula:
"May the peace of God and the blessings of God encompass and enfold the
whole earth". (3x)
We read from the SACRED WORDS, each turning to one small section and sharing
it with the group.
Then we read from the lectures, sometimes singing another song in preparation.
We have been reading from THE MASTER SPEAKS, but sometimes we read a selection
from this publication, THE GRAIN OF WHEAT. We especially appreciated
THE SACRED FIRE. We follow the reading with a period of
meditation, in silence or with the music of the Master. Then we join in three
songs of a joyful nature, as we prepare to leave the group and return to our individual
We conclude with the special formula: May God be glorified in the
Brotherhood of Light, and may the brothers of Light be glorified in the Love of God".
We return to our homes inspired and edified by the energy of love, by the contact with
our brothers and sisters, by the blessings of Divine World, deeply grateful to our Master
and to all who have worked to bring these methods to us. This is the true
miracle, the true magic!
Phyllis Thorpe
19 December 2001
Author's Note: I have shared this format with the group in Tahlequah,
Oklahoma, which is also meeting regularly at the home of our brother George
Kilmer. I am grateful to those who have been my teachers on my five trips to
the Rila Mountains, especially to Maria Mitovska and Antoaneta Pauleva, and to Ardella
Nathanael for introducing me to this vital spiritual movement. I am happy to
be learning and growing with so many sisters and brothers around the world!
If you would like to invite me to visit your group for study or to present the
Paneurhythmy, contact me at:
Phyllis Thorpe
St. Louis, MO 63143-1103 USA
e-mail me at: