Human kind has passed through many epochs:
cultures have blossomed and changed
on continents of which only portions now remain;
races have been born, established
their domain, created their civilizations, and after
a time they declined, offering
their places to other civilizations. All these changes
have almost always been
accompanied by geological disturbances which sometimes made basic
changes in the face
of the earth.
Now human kind is living in such a time of transition. A new epoch is coming
in the world. The big spiral of development is opening a new arc which will be
manifested in a new cultural cycle.
From the cosmic center of life emerges a new wave which brings the conditions for
a new life and a new culture. These kinds of waves which follow a certain
cosmic rhythm have been developed many times and they create new conditions for the
development of the earth. But the epoch which is now coming in the world differs
from those of the past; it is remarkable for its special and unique cosmic composition.
According to the words of the Master Peter Deunov, "The whole solar system has
the middle of its development. The earth also has passed halfway in its
This conjunction means that two remarkable cosmic moments place the
earth in a new position
in relationship to the sun."
The earth, according to the Master Peter Deunov, is entering into another region – the
region of virgin matter which will fill us with a new vital impulse in the development
matter. This process will not be performed all at once. First it is
for the old to be totally liquidated so the conditions may be established
which will permit
humanity to enter the new medium. Because of this liquidation
process, all
contemporary crises and upheavals – social, political, religious and moral
– which
humanity is experiencing so sharply, are occurring.
This "wave of fire" is already working in the world. It will transform everything
on the earth and fundamentally change the whole order of human life because this wave
touches the center, the core, of life. It aspires primarity to transform the
consciousness of human beings, to move the center of their life from their personal
consciousness toward the cosmic consciousness, from the personal life toward the
collective genesis. In this is actually hidden the deep meaning of all the
difficulties which human beings are experiencing today.
This wave acts with great power. Nothing can stop it. It will destroy
all the old forms in which life has developed until now. The old forms cannot
endure the pressure of the new spirit and cannot give expression to these vital
which are now entering the world to do their work. The only thing
people can do
is to adapt to this wave. Those who succeed in coming into
harmony with its
vibration will be able to enter into its rhythm and they will
enter a new state of
development. "They will prepare themselves to enter
into the New Culture of
Love whose social expression will be Brotherhood and
Sisterhood among people, uniting
nations in the name of Love." Many people
think that it is early yet to talk
about this – that it is a utopian fantasy.
"This is not utopian, but the real
and present work of Living Nature which today
directs its efforts exactly in that
direction, sending its activity along these
great, powerful lines." The
old problems and challenges which are
manifested in all areas of life are clearly
evidence of that. Moreover,
the coming epoch will be an epoch for the realization
of Love, but not only for
her introduction and preparation as in the past two thousand
years – 'two days'
in the Christian era. Soon the &339;third day' will come and on
this third
day the teaching of Christ will be realized on earth, the culture of Love
be realized. When Nature manifests her works, she does not fool around.
Cosmic Love is always manifested in Life. It gives the first impulse of
New Culture. Until now the manifestation of Cosmic Love in life was
expressed as
"inspiration in the heart, as feeling in the soul, and as power
in the mind."
But now, according to the teaching of the Master Peter
Deunov, "Love begins to act
as a principle in the spirit." That is
why the coming epoch is so important.
Under the mighty influence of the Spirit which is working in the world and
the first impulses of the new, people are experiencing some worry and
sorrow. From
this worry there is no exit. In this situation of worry
and sorrow they wander
aimlessly looking for a way out, turning back again to the
old lifeless forms which
belong to the past. This is the nature of all
contemporary social experiments
which are food for the collective egotism in
spite of the new appearances which they
assume. They are only for the
spiritually blind people.
The most essential and the most important is this: to catch this new
wave which
is coming into the world. This cannot be caught by the ordinary
eye because it
works inside in the world, transforming in order for it to be
manifested outside in
such forms or shapes in which it may grow. The New is
coming like the dawn.
It is coming like springtime. It is bubbling
forth like a spring, as a fresh
current from the heart of life, bringing food
for tormented human beings. It
is that without which life is absolutely
impossible. It cannot be thrown away
because it is life itself, with its
food, with its vital forms in which life is clothed,
with its living air, light
and warmth. The New is not a thing which can be
accepted or not accepted
like a new scientific theory, religious creed, philosophy
or ethical system or
social ideology.
"The New is that without which life is absolutely not possible."
Whoever can accept, adapt to it, will be saved for life. Whoever cannot
become the compost of life.
The New has its carriers, its creators. The New has its guides. These
guides are the Masters – the great geniuses, the great souls of humanity. They
tune the human consciousness according to these vibrations which are coming to
the world. Each wave has its special vibrations. This wave is
the carrier
of specific forces which have been unmanifested until now in the life
of humanity.
This wave requires special methods for realization of those
opportunities which are
hidden in it. Those forms and methods which were
useful and good in the past
epochs are not valid in this moment. But the
people who do not know this turn
to these old methods – they are stuck in the old
ways. However, it is important
to know how the great Spirit in life is
working now, not how it has acted in the past,
because the living presence, full
of opportunities 'now' is the most essential
thing. This New which penetrates
contemporary life, this work of the eternal
renovating Spirit of the genesis, is
actually revealed in the words of Peter
Deunov. He reveals Life in the way
it is now manifesting. He carries this
light which now begins to illuminate
human consciousness. He is giving that
which now begins to flow in life. He
leads us on this new path which is known
only to the Great Souls who lead the human
spirit toward the springs of life, light
and freedom and who send the new currents to earth.
This Master of the Universal Brotherhood shows ways of living in the present
among the conditions of contemporary life, amidst the bubbling current of
life. The meaning of the New lies not in going away from the world,
by living
fruitlessly as a hermit, but in being involved in this work which is
going on now in
the conditions of life itself where the threads of the eternally-creating
penetrate. Not in going away from the world, not in a mechanical
change of outer
environment, is the meaning of renovation. It should take
place mainly in the
consciousness of human beings. Then from within will go
out these projecting rays
which will show human beings the razoumnite [i.e., the
wise and conscious] centers of
life where the New is creating and where it is manifesting.
The Master of the Universal Brotherhood teaches human beings to listen to Nature
to observe its work in life, especially in their own life. The Master
human beings with the Spirit itself, with the Spirit of the New Life,
and shows the way
which they should walk in order to fulfil their mission according
to their strength, the
way to participate in the collective work of Nature. "Work
where the Spirit
works – in the living presence" – as the Master taught.
Those who would like to know the contemporary work of the Spirit, who would like
study to find the living and ever-existing things, will find them 'there' where
the Spirit
works, in the teachings of the Master Peter Deunov of the Universal
Brotherhood. For
more than forty years he has worked in a small Slavic country,
Bulgaria, where, in the
middle ages, the teachings of the Bogomils appeared,
which were expressed in the West in
the Reformation, creating simultaneously
core groups and communities of a spiritual,
mystical nature. The Master
works among the greatest obstacles in a country which
has a spiritual and geographical
position as a crossroad between East and West.
Most of his public lectures
on Sunday mornings have been recorded in shorthand.
They are published in
about fourteen volumns. They are a great treasure of
wisdom. He gave
a similar number of lectures to the disciples of his spiritual
school. They
formed spiritual Brotherhood groups throughout Bulgaria, in towns
and villages
which are connected with the central school in Sofia. This school
is in the
beautiful region outside Sofia called Izgrev (i.e., Sunrise). Izgrev
is a
community village where the disciples of the Universal Brotherhood live and
study. It is a true experimental field for application of the New Teaching.
As a result of the practical application of the ideas of this teaching, the
is true: In the community of the disciples of the Universal
Brotherhood live people
of different nationalities and creeds, different levels
and races, and in spite of that
the understanding among them is that of brothers
and sisters. This fact has important
social meaning. It is an experiment,
in spite of being in its early stages and
within the framework of a small community,
for brotherly and sisterly life in the spirit
of love and freedom. It demonstrates
that in spite of their differences, people of
different races, classes and creeds
can live as sisters and brothers. From this
point of view, this experiment
calls thinking people to pay attention.
It is clear
that the community of the disciples of the Universal Brotherhood is
a true school, a true
laboratory in which an essential experiment is being
performed. The workers in this
laboratory have the clear consciousness
that the experiment is in its beginning and that
it is difficult and requires
many undaunting efforts. The disciples, however, know
that on the earth,
reality consists only of that which can be applied.
In this way of methodical application, the Master of the Universal Brotherhood
his disciples, preparing them to enter into the New Epoch. According
to the teaching
of the Master Peter Deunov, "In the New Epoch, for the first
time on earth a great
Cosmic Act is being performed, for the first time the bond
between Love and Wisdom is
being created."
We call the souls who are ready to work 'there' – 'where the Spirit
works'. Whoever
wants to know more about the teachings of the Universal
Brotherhood can contact his
disciples. Thus, a way will be found for all
people to make close contact with the
New which is emerging here.
*All quotations here are the words of Peter Deunov and are printed in italics.
Inspired by the Paneurhythmy and the teachings of Peter Deunov, we now, in this
Century, echo the call sent by these disciples seventy years ago. We invite
to participate in the Paneurhythmy, to connect with this new wave of energy now
to earth. We invite you to study the lectures, now more widely available
English, and to practice the methods for development he gave. May you too be
inspired by his unique voice and may you play your part well in this great symphony
of life!