In February:
Make contact to be sure of these events.
A "Monthly Call" takes place on each 2nd Sunday, at 5 p.m. central time, for one hour.
During this call, Paneurhythmy friends from all areas
of the United States call in to discuss their practice, and to share of their local events and experiences
as they practice Paneurhythmy and other methods taught by the Master Peter Deunov in their lives.
Please contact Phyllis at 314-644-0014, or at
, for more information.
In March:
Make contact to be sure of these events.
The 22nd -- Regular performance of Paneurhythmy begins.
See the
regional contacts
for group gathering times.
In April:
Make contact to be sure of these events.
In May:
Make contact to be sure of these events.
In June:
Make contact to be sure of these events.
In July:
11th (12th)
Celebration of the 159th anniversary of Peter Deunov's Birth ( 1864 ).
In August:
Make contact to be sure of these events.
The 15th- 22th - Pagosa Springs, Colorado.
We do hope that you will be able to join our celebration as we gather in friendship for the blessings we
receive each time we come together.
If you wish to stay in town for our event, Brother George has rented a large, 3-bedroom/3-bath condo
with a fully equipped kitchen to provide an indoor
sleeping space and gathering place. The condo will accommodate 12 people, plus floor space
for more. There is no fee for the Paneurhythmy dances. However, there will be a nominal
lodging fee.
Call George at (918)458-3018 for more information. Please leave a message, for he has no caller ID.
We gather to celebrate the beginning of the divne new year as is done in the mountains of Bulgaria at this
same time. We will play Paneurhythmy and take excursions into the mountains.
Pagosa Springs has one of the best hot springs in the world. The most panoramic view of the
mountains in the San Juan Mountain Range is right outside our door. We will be staying in
Pagosa this year. All are welcome.
In September:
The 22nd - marks the final day of traditional Paneurhythmy
practice and the first sacred day of the half year of inner study.
For this time of spiritual growth through inner work, please contact the local group
in your region for their study and
group gathering times.
In December:
The 27th - Commemoration of the 79th anniversary of Peter Deunov's Passing ( 1944 ).